
Daily Scrum Meeting

Anish Jangra
Anish Jangra
Updated on

Agile teams use daily scrum meetings to keep their projects on track and to ensure that everyone on the team is aligned and working towards the same goals. These meetings are an essential part of the agile methodology, and they help teams to be more efficient and effective. In this blog post, we will explore what daily scrum meetings are, how to run them effectively, and why they are so important.

What is a Daily Scrum Meeting?

A daily scrum meeting is a short, time-boxed meeting that is held every day. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for the team to update each other on their progress, identify any roadblocks or issues, and plan their work for the day. During the meeting, every team member answers three questions:

  • What did I do yesterday?

  • What am I going to do today?

  • Are there any roadblocks or issues that are preventing me from making progress?

The daily scrum meeting is not a status update meeting for the project manager or product owner. Instead, it is a time for the team to communicate with each other and to identify any issues that may be affecting their progress. It is also an opportunity for the team to adjust their plan based on new information or changes in priorities.

How to Run a Great Daily Scrum Meeting

Running a great daily scrum meeting requires planning and preparation. Here are some tips for running effective daily scrum meetings:

Keep the Meeting Short and to the Point

The daily scrum meeting should be time-boxed to 15 minutes or less. This will help to keep the team focused and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak. The meeting should also be held at the same time and place every day to establish a routine.

Encourage Open Communication

During the daily scrum meeting, the team should feel comfortable sharing their progress and any issues they are experiencing. Encourage open communication by creating a safe and supportive environment. Avoid blaming or shaming team members for any issues that arise.

Focus on Problem-Solving

The daily scrum meeting is an opportunity for the team to identify any roadblocks or issues and to work together to solve them. Encourage the team to collaborate and brainstorm solutions to any problems that arise.

Keep the Meeting Relevant

The daily scrum meeting should focus on the work that the team is doing and the progress they are making toward their goals. Avoid discussing unrelated topics or going off on tangents.

Follow Up on Action Items

During the daily scrum meeting, the team should identify any action items that need to be completed. It is important to follow up on these action items to ensure that they are completed in a timely manner.

Why Daily Scrum Meetings Are Important?

Daily scrum meetings are important for several reasons:

Improved Communication

Daily scrum meetings improve communication between team members. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that any issues or roadblocks are identified and addressed quickly.

Increased Transparency

Daily scrum meetings promote transparency within the team. This helps to build trust and creates a culture of accountability.

Faster Problem-Solving

Daily scrum meetings allow the team to identify and solve problems quickly. This helps to keep the project on track and ensures that any issues are resolved before they become bigger problems.

Increased Productivity

Daily scrum meetings help to increase productivity by keeping the team focused and aligned. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and that any issues or roadblocks are addressed quickly.

The Role of the Scrum Master in Daily Scrum Meetings

The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in facilitating daily Scrum meetings. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that the meeting runs smoothly and that everyone has an opportunity to speak. Here are some ways that the Scrum Master can contribute to the success of daily Scrum meetings:

Facilitating the Meeting

The Scrum Master should start the meeting on time and ensure that everyone is present. They should then facilitate the meeting by keeping it focused, asking questions, and encouraging participation from all team members.

Removing Roadblocks

If any roadblocks or issues are identified during the meeting, it is up to the Scrum Master to remove them. This may involve working with other stakeholders or team members to find a solution.

Monitoring Progress

The Scrum Master should monitor progress during daily scrum meetings and ensure that everyone is making progress towards their goals. If any team members are falling behind or struggling, it is up to the Scrum Master to provide support and guidance.

Ensuring Alignment

Finally, the Scrum Master should ensure that everyone on the team is aligned and working towards the same goals. This may involve providing clarification on project priorities or ensuring that everyone has a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

In summary, while every member of an Agile team plays an important role in daily scrum meetings, it's up to the Scrum Master to facilitate communication, remove obstacles, monitor progress, and ensure alignment among team members.

Tips for Documenting and Tracking Progress in Daily Scrum Meetings

Documenting and tracking progress during daily scrum meetings is essential for keeping the project on track and ensuring that everyone is aligned. Here are some tips for documenting and tracking progress:

Use a Shared Board or Tool

Using a shared board or tool, such as Trello or Jira, can help to keep everyone on the same page. The board should include tasks, their status, and who is responsible for completing them. This makes it easy to see what needs to be done and how much progress has been made.

Take Detailed Notes

During the daily scrum meeting, it's important to take detailed notes. These notes should include any issues that were discussed, decisions that were made, and action items that need to be completed. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that nothing falls through the cracks.

Assign Action Items

At the end of each daily scrum meeting, it's important to assign action items to team members. These action items should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Assigning action items helps to ensure accountability and ensures that everyone knows what they need to do next.

Review Progress Regularly

It's important to review progress regularly during the project. This can be done during daily scrum meetings or in separate meetings specifically focused on reviewing progress. Regularly reviewing progress helps to identify any issues early on so they can be addressed before they become bigger problems.

By following these tips for documenting and tracking progress during daily scrum meetings, you can help ensure that your team stays aligned and on track throughout the project.

Ways to Make Daily Scrum Meetings More Engaging and Interactive

Daily scrum meetings can sometimes feel repetitive or boring, especially if they follow the same format every single day. Here are some ways to make daily scrum meetings more engaging and interactive for team members:

Change the Format Occasionally

While the standard format of a daily scrum meeting is effective, it's important to keep things fresh and engaging. Consider changing up the format occasionally by using a different set of questions or having team members share progress updates in a different way.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can help to make daily scrum meetings more engaging and interactive. For example, you could use a whiteboard or virtual board to visually track progress, show timelines, or highlight any roadblocks.

Encourage Team Members to Share Personal Updates

In addition to sharing work-related updates, encourage team members to share personal updates during the daily scrum meeting. This can help build camaraderie among team members and create a more positive and supportive environment.

Incorporate Team-Building Activities

Team-building activities can help to break up the monotony of daily scrum meetings and build stronger relationships among team members. Consider incorporating activities like icebreakers or short games into your daily scrum meetings.

Rotate Facilitation Responsibilities

Instead of having the Scrum Master always facilitate the daily Scrum meeting, consider rotating this responsibility among team members. This gives everyone an opportunity to practice their facilitation skills and keeps things fresh for everyone.

By making small changes like these, you can help ensure that your daily scrum meetings remain engaging and productive for everyone involved.

Getting the Most Out of Your Daily Scrum Meetings

Daily scrum meetings are an essential part of agile teamwork, but how can you ensure that your team is getting the most out of them? Explore some tips and tools to help you improve communication and collaboration during daily scrum meetings, track progress, and use feedback to improve team performance.

Tools and Software for Communication and Collaboration

There are many tools and software available to help teams communicate and collaborate more effectively during daily scrum meetings. Here are some examples:

  • Video conferencing software like Zoom or Google Meet can help remote teams feel more connected during daily scrum meetings.

  • Shared project management tools like Asana or Trello can help teams stay organized and on track.

  • Instant messaging apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams can facilitate quick communication between team members.

By using these tools and software, teams can streamline their daily scrum meetings and improve communication and collaboration.

Tracking Progress and Accountability

Tracking progress is an important part of daily scrum meetings. By tracking progress, teams can identify any issues early on so they can be addressed before they become bigger problems. Here are some ways to track progress:

  • Use a shared board or tool to track tasks, status, who is responsible for completing them, deadlines, etc.

  • Assign action items at the end of each meeting with specific SMART goals

  • Review progress regularly either in separate meetings specifically focused on reviewing progress or during daily scrums

Tracking progress helps ensure accountability as well as keeping everyone on the same page.

Using Feedback to Improve Team Performance

Feedback from daily scrum meetings is a valuable tool for improving team performance. Here are some ways teams can use feedback:

  • Address any roadblocks or issues immediately after identifying them in a meeting

  • Encourage open communication by creating a safe environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts

  • Use feedback to identify areas of improvement and adjust the team's approach accordingly

By using feedback from daily scrum meetings, teams can continuously improve and work more effectively together.

By implementing these tips and tools, your team can get the most out of your daily scrum meetings.


In conclusion, daily scrum meetings are an essential part of Agile teamwork that helps improve communication, transparency, problem-solving, and productivity. By following the tips for keeping the meeting short, encouraging open communication, focusing on problem-solving, keeping it relevant, and following up on action items, teams can ensure that their daily scrum meetings remain effective.

The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in facilitating these meetings by removing roadblocks, monitoring progress, ensuring alignment, and providing support and guidance to team members as needed. Documenting and tracking progress during daily scrum meetings is also important for keeping the project on track.

To make daily scrum meetings more engaging and interactive for team members, consider changing up the format occasionally, using visual aids, or incorporating team-building activities.

By utilizing tools and software for communication and collaboration such as video conferencing software or shared project management tools like Asana or Trello, teams can streamline their daily scrum meetings. Tracking progress is another important aspect of these meetings that helps ensure accountability as well as keeping everyone on the same page. Finally, teams should use feedback from these meetings to identify areas of improvement and adjust their approach accordingly.

Overall, daily scrum meetings are a powerful tool for improving team performance within an Agile framework. Implementing the tips mentioned in this article effectively with consistency over time will help ensure your team has successful projects every time.


What are some common mistakes to avoid during daily scrum meetings?

Common mistakes to avoid include allowing team members to ramble or go off-topic, not addressing roadblocks or challenges that come up during the meeting, and not following up on action items or tasks assigned during the meeting.

How can I run effective daily scrum meetings?

Some best practices for running effective daily scrum meetings include keeping the meeting short and focused, having everyone stand up to encourage brevity, using a structured agenda, and encouraging open communication among team members.

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